Tag: Tech
Supply chain challenges such as a limited supply of desired gifts, shorter holiday shipping windows, and longer shipping times are hindering holiday shopping for many consumers. Supply chain disruptions …
The economy in the U.S. has been brought to a halt by COVID-19, forcing businesses across the country to close their doors, sending millions of workers out of a …
Blockchain is all the rage these days with new innovations being introduced seemingly every day. At the same time, the industry is not entirely mainstream and the result of …
In order to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, a lot of time, money, and effort must be put in by scientists around the world, using cutting-edge research and science. …
COVID-19 has caused governments and companies alike to start closing down huge conferences and events – the $1.5 trillion global event industry has seen the vast majority of events …
In the past few years, some tech companies has gone to huge proportions, most of them many people use every single day. The biggest tech companies are so huge, …
Each day, the world makes 250 million terabytes of new data – every second 946 Instagram photos are taken, 8,690 tweets are posted, 77,783 things are searched on Google, …
As the saying goes, knowledge is power. But with the Internet’s birth relatively recently, knowledge can now become money. The e-learning market is expected to reach an astounding $400 …
In 2015, restaurant sales in America surpassed grocery store sales for the first time in modern history. This trend has continued over the recent years, and in January of …