Tag: phishing
Important as emails are to everyday business, most of the messages people receive are considered spam. In some cases, this means the messages are irrelevant or annoying, but in …
Email, while a helpful resource and an effective communication tool, has been taken advantage of by scammers and hackers for decades. Phishing is a common attack used to get …
Cryptocurrency users are often targeted by criminals and scammers. Particularly emails can prove to be incredibly harmful in this regard. It appears a fair few phishing emails are making …
Having a spam email show up in your inbox nowadays is most of the time a harmless annoyance and we don’t really pay attention to them nearly as much …
Emails have become an essential part of our working and personal lives. But some people have found ways to exploit emails to spread viruses and other malware. One out …
In the world of cryptocurrencies, tokens, and assets, there is no shortage of potential scams. Not necessarily in the form of new projects coming up, but more due to …
Stating that cybercrime is on the rise is rather like saying the world is round. Identifying this well-known fact is no longer any great discovery. But understanding the magnitude …
MyEtherWallet users are in an uproar after approximately 250 ETH, around $150,000 worth, went missing since a Domain Name System (DNS) server attack began Tuesday at noon, redirecting visitors to a phishing site. …
Cryptocurrency exchanges have always been a prominent target for hackers and other types of cybercriminals. Those concerns will not be going away anytime soon, considering how successful phishing attempts …