Tag: hackers
Technology over the past few decades is becoming more and more prevalent in society and we become more dependent, when it fails it wreaks havoc on our lives. The …
Hackers in Turkey made away with $2.47 million worth of cryptocurrencies. And while this may not be the biggest hack in the recent past, this one was quite unique. …
When it comes to digital theft, there is one aspect which is frequently misunderstood and miscommunicated. Despite popular belief, a thief isn’t stealing an individual’s asset itself (SSN, phone number, …
Hackers don’t have the best of reputations among consumers and law enforcement agencies. Several arrests are carried out every single year, as policemen and security agencies try to bring …
Today an unmeasurable number of debates rise about the ways we can interact with technology in the years to come, and one of the topics is, precisely, security. Many …
Since many decades ago, hackers have displayed great skills on very functional areas like programming languages, hardware, and software manipulation. Particularly in the ever-growing industry of telecommunications, and the Internet. …
Yahoo ends 2016 hoping for an authentic miracle. The company is experiencing a PR nightmare after disclosing the hacking of over 1 Billion user accounts back in 2013. Every …
Malware is much like software, in terms of needing updates. A newer version of GovRat has been released recently, GovRat 2.0. GovRat and GovRat 2.0 were made to steal …
A recent update from LeakedSource earlier this week published new information about the hacks that happened at BTC-E and BitcoinTalk in 2014/2015. The update states that the hackers responsible …