Tag: 51% Attack
In general, the cryptocurrency community is a helpful and adult bunch. While some discussions are less than mature, those often get buried on social media when people stop feeding …
Even though a lot of people are still shocked that Pornhub actually took the plunge on Verge, it seems that decision may come back to bite the company. Due to …
A lot of interesting things are happening in the world of cryptocurrency, but some trends are less than positive. The Vertcoin mining situation, for example, doesn’t look all that …
There are a lot of conflicting opinions on the Verge cryptocurrency as of right now. This is not a big surprise, as the project has always been considered to …
Bring up the topic of blockchains and it won’t be long before the word “immutable” is dropped into the conversation. After all, a blockchain’s inability to be tampered with or …
The Bitcoin network is one of the most secure types of financial technologies the world has ever seen. Without a central point of failure, or a way to hack …
The success of Ethereum Classic hadn’t gone by unnoticed, and one user on Twitter is already threatening to 51% attack the network hashrate. Although it is impossible to tell …