BTC-E to launch new bitcoin margin trading exchange

BTC-E has posted a link under the advertising section linking to a new margin trading site The site was active for a few minutes until the news was posted on r/Bitcoin by fiat4lyfe. Either the site wasn’t ready to go live, or the massive amount of traffic brought it down because is currently offline with the following message:


Service Unavailable

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.


While the site was up, the following message appeared:

We Are open!

Dear Clients!

We are happy to introduce our new and improved version of the trade environment service xBTCe.
You will find the following new features in the system:

  • convenient and comprehensive displaying of assets, orders and trading history;
  • dynamic level2 and trade history;
  • integration with full-featured client personal area
  • improved chat and news feed
  • new and safe APIs: REST API, WebSocket API, FIX API.

Trades are now available in demo mode only. A certain amount of virtual currency will be deposited to your account after registration so that you could test the system. We’ll try to implement the improvements you suggest as soon as possible. We are looking forward to your feedback. We hope you’ll enjoy the new xBTCE interface and services. We have created a special section for your comments and feedback in SupportDesk After a short testing period we plan to release the version of xBTCe in Live mode.


Here are some pictures of the site layout credits go to @collincrypto



It looks like BTC-E is starting to compete with OKCoin and Bitfinex as they push their margin trading platform out. BTC-E has been around for longer than all of the popular exchanges so it is safe to say that their margin trading platform will take a significant share of the market. Furthermore, with the introduction of new and improved APIs the exchange will definitely see an increase in trading volume.

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