Although it may sound appealing to some people to marry an inanimate object, it is not something that is considered legal in every part of the world. The state of Utah has effectively outlawed such marriages, as there is no constitutional right to do so. That is bad news for Charis Sevier, as he was looking forward to officially marry his laptop. We live in a very strange world indeed.
On paper, it makes absolutely no sense to marry a laptop, computer, or any other type of electronic device one can think of. However, this concept makes a lot of sense to some people such as Chris Sevier. He argued he should be allowed to marry his computer. The argument for doing so is referring to how same-sex marriage is allowed in the state. It is like comparing apples to oranges, but it made a lot of sense in his head.
It has to be said, knowing there are people willing to marry their computer is not all that strange either. Most of us spend a large portion of our awake time using electronic devices. We forge some sort of attachment to said devices, as they usually treat us better than most people we have an interaction with. Moreover, electronics have a habit of not talking back to us, nor are they giving us annoying tasks to complete. It is a vehicle to escape reality, which can sometimes lead to things getting quite complicated.
That being said, no one would – theoretically – propose to a laptop or smartphone. However, with no proper legislation in place saying how doing so is not legal, it was only a matter of time until someone attempted to accomplish just that. Especially where people such as Chris Sevier are concerned, as he has a history of filing for some lawsuits across the United States. In every case, he is also representing himself, which may not necessarily be the best course of action.
According to the judge’s ruling, marrying a laptop is not a right protected by the constitution. This verdict is greeted with a sigh of relief among citizens of Utah, as a different outcome would have set a remarkable precedent. It is evident some people have gotten the wrong idea when it comes to “turning on” their favorite computer or other electronic device. It is not impossible other people will try to achieve this goal of marrying an electronic device in the future, though.
One thing Sevier handily forgot, is how even if it was legal to marry your laptop, the device could never consent to do so in the first place. That is still a legal requirement before any form of marriage, we can occur in the state of Utah. The lawsuit has officially been dismissed, and may never be refiled again. That last part is something the Utah Attorney General’s office wanted to ensure, Lawsuits like these take up valuable time, despite the end result being known well in advance.
The only way an electronic device would be able to give consent, is if it was some sort of self-aware artificial intelligence capable of thinking for itself.
All of this goes to show our society is forging very interesting relationships with electronic devices. Even though we can’t marry our favorite computer or smartphone anytime soon, these devices are near and dear to our hearts. We spend our days with these devices already, which makes marrying them somewhat obsolete.
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