Not too long ago, the ViaBTC mining pool started testing the Bitcoin Unlimited block size solution. Although there was no official plan to switch to this option on the …
Bitcoin cloud mining companies continue to crawl out of the woodworks as of late. Unfortunately, that also means the number of fraudulent offerings continues to grow every week. ASSO …
Selling physical Bitcoins on eBay is never a bad idea. These collectable items can fetch a pretty penny when opening up the offer to a global market. But there …
When it comes to the topic of regulation and Bitcoin, the opinions will always remain divided. The Central bank of Nigeria, while dealing with plenty of problems of its …
DEVCON2 is the second installment of the Ethereum’s Developer Conference, an R&D-focused event to put exciting projects in the spotlight. Developers, investors, users and community members of the ‘crypto sphere’ …
The EU’s ruling that ordered Apple to pay €13bn in back taxes was met with an out pouring of rage from Washington. Announced earlier in the week, Apple is …
This past week, Google has discontinued Project Ara. Project Ara was Google’s failed attempt at building a modular smartphone. Ara became a roaring sensation among tech watchers. Ara would …
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has made his fourth trip to Silicon Valley to talk about innovation. He is the only one of his earlier predecessors to visit Silicon Valley …
A great step towards making Ethereum compatible with other cryptocurrency projects was made yesterday, enter Transaction Relay, an innovative solution to pay for Ethereum Dapps and transactions using other …