Over the past few years, there have been several discussions related to anonymous payment methods. Although people often mention bitcoin in this list, the popular cryptocurrency is pseudonymous and …
Even though most bitcoin users focus on the most prominent bitcoin node implementations known to date, there are quite a few alternative solutions out there as well. All of …
It is no secret criminals are getting slightly more crafty when it comes to developing and deploying malware. Particularly malicious software on the Android operating system has become far …
Ever since bitcoin network congestion became a recurring problem in the cryptocurrency world, Bitcoin Core developers have been searching for a way to combat this issue. Their solution comes …
Trezor and many other bitcoin businesses including CoinGate, Coinomi, Abra, Bitfury, BitPay, Coinkite, Microsoft, Samourai Wallet, Vaultoro and Blockonomics have demonstrated their support for user-activated soft fork (UASF). UASF, …
Options trading is another way that many generate money within traditional financial markets. This is very different from the buy and hold tactics that we may readily associate with …
Although most people still think the concept of a head transplant is entirely impossible, the truth is very different. The person responsible for carrying out this transplant is also …
Even though there have been plenty of stories about ransomware and how victims should never pay the ransom in the first place, it remains a very lucrative business. Close …
The world of autonomous vehicles extends well beyond cars and hoverbikes. The US Air Force has successfully demonstrated their very first autonomous F-16 fighter jet, which is capable of …