Free Dash Conferences Are Coming to Venezuela Starting Next Month

Cryptocurrency conferences have always been of keen interest to a lot of people. Not only are they great places to meet like-minded people, but a conference is also a valuable source of knowledge. The Dash team acknowledges there is a growing demand for more conferences, especially in regions where cryptocurrency can make a big difference. Venezuela is certainly one of those regions, which is why the team is bringing a few free conferences to the country next month.

Venezuela is a key Area for Cryptocurrency

Given the worsening financial situation in Venezuela, it is not entirely surprising to see cryptocurrency getting more popular there. Although it appears there is a growing interest in cryptocurrency across Venezuela, there is still a big gap when it comes to information and the cost of conferences. A lot of people would not mind attending a cryptocurrency conference in the country if the attendance fee were not so expensive. Most conferences sell day passes for hundreds of U.S. dollars, which is a spectacularly high amount for residents of the country.

In fact, a lot of people in the Western world have no interest in cryptocurrency conferences these days because of the high admission prices. Luckily, it seems the Dash team has come up with a solution that will improve this situation in Venezuela moving forward. They plan to host various free conferences in the country throughout September. The plan is to host a total of 12 conferences throughout the year, all of which will be free of charge to attend. 

All of these conferences are designed to introduce more people to the concept of Dash and cryptocurrency in general. Venezuela knows all too well about Bitcoin and even Ethereum, but most other cryptocurrencies remain a big mystery to the local population. Changing this situation will not be easy, but organizing a few free events will certainly attract a lot of attention. So far, it seems the local community has taken a liking to this idea. It will be interesting to see how many people ultimately attend these events, though.

Early reports indicate around 200 people have registered to attend the September 19th conference in Caracas. Although a free conference will always attract a lot of attention in Venezuela, the fact that very few people know about Dash makes it more difficult to convince them of the merit of this project. It seems other cities throughout the country are more than willing to host their own Dash conferences in the coming months.

While educational efforts like these deserve to be applauded, it remains to be seen how the rest of the cryptocurrency community will respond to this development. After all, many people are familiar with conferences organized by Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the OneCoin Ponzi scheme. Dash is one of the first major altcoins to go and do its own thing. It is a big gamble, especially considering there is no attendance fee whatsoever. Then again, local representatives are more than happy to organize these things without getting paid for it. If the events can make the Dash value appreciate, organizers will reap the benefits as well.

There is also the regulatory uncertainty in Venezuela to take into account. Without any clear regulation in place, cryptocurrency is not prohibited by any means. However, there has been a lot of pushback regarding the mining of cryptocurrencies in the country, which could have some negative repercussions for Dash as well.  Only time will tell how things play out in Venezuela and potentially other countries in the region. Dash can certainly make an impact, but whether or not it will remains to be determined.