Category: Malware
One of the more worrying forms of Bitcoin ransomware to appear is known as Troldesh, or Crypshed. Even though this malware appeared first in Russia – and seemed to …
Some of the more modern types of Bitcoin ransomware pose a significant threat to computer users to this very day. Crypvault is in the top three on that list, …
CryptoLocker will always remain the most well-known form of Bitcoin ransomware ever to exist, which resulted in a fair amount of different strains based on this malware. Cryptlock is …
There are a fair few types of Bitcoin ransomwares which have gone by almost entirely unnoticed, yet that doesn’t mean they are less of a threat. Cryptorbit has never …
Not every type of ransomware is targeting computers, as some variants will go after web servers as well. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to access …
Throughout the past few years, many consumers and businesses have come face to face with some form of ransomware. Even though some of these attacks have been successfully thwarted, …
The Bitcoin ransomware family is a lot larger than most people anticipated. While there are a ton of different variants based on some of the more modern strains, every …
TeslaCrypt is just one of the many variants of Bitcoin ransomware to make waves among Internet users in 2015. As this malware was not based on any previous version …
The number of different types of Bitcoin ransomware is scaringly high when taking into consideration how many of them are out there. CrypAura is often overlooked as a malware …