A Privacy-oriented Blockchain can Power Coronavirus Tracking Apps

On a global scale, there are growing discussions regarding a coronavirus tracking application. Building such a solution will require a lot of work, especially when it comes to respecting user privacy.

As the global pandemic rages on, it becomes all the more important to keep tabs on infection-free regions.

Coronavirus Blockchain Solutions Remain Popular

In addition, governments want to track the population’s movements across the entire country.

All of these efforts are taken to ensure no one can spread the coronavirus further.

In The Netherlands, a think tank has been set up to address this particular approach.

It is not an easy process by any means, as there are several factors to take into consideration.

One aspect is how user privacy will be addressed.

Some apps ensure personal data collected through such apps are encrypted.

Others simply want to harvest everything shred of data they can, for various purposes.

Using blockchain technology, for example, may unlock a path in between these two approaches.

A privacy-oriented blockchain solution, combined with existing technologies, can have some interesting applications.

During this global coronavirus pandemic, blockchain has been getting a lot of attention.

What all of these developments will ultimately result in, remains to be determined.

After all, it seems unlikely that the entire world will suddenly embrace this technology for  a unified cause.