Silk Road undercover agent on trial for stealing Bitcoin

We’re all aware of the fact that not all agents, detectives and prosecutors are just. Chances are that you’ve already heard about the Silk Road investigation, upon one of the dark web’s most powerful drug-selling sites which operated in the US and in other countries from all around the world as well.

After Ross Ulbricht, the person running Silk Road was jailed for life, an interesting report about a former US undercover agent involved in the investigation has come out. Carl Force reportedly faces up to 20 years in prison after he has pleaded guilty to a couple of charges, some of which including extortion, obstruction of justice and money-laundering.

If the reports are true, then this man has stolen more than $700,000 in Bitcoin from the money that has been seized by the government, and also took bribes from the owner of Silk Road to play as a double agent and keep him informed about the status of the US investigation. At the beginning, he was asked to pose as a drug dealer who has connections with hit-men, but it turns out that he gave out some information about his real identity and asked Ross to pay him $50,000 for information about the investigation.

Together with this, he also secretly solicited payment for other services and diverted all of the money to his personal accounts, instead of the official FBI accounts, thus stealing a lot of the funds. Other than this, Force also confessed that he agreed to a contract of $240,000 with 21st Century Fox in order to help film a documentary about the investigation without getting approval from his supervisors.

Force’s lawyer has stated that “He had a stellar, 15-year career with the DEA except for this one blip’’, which is quite unfortunate.

Based on everything that has been outlined so far, do you think that there were other agents who took advantage of their position to seize funds from the Silk Road investigation? Do let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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