What is Adaptive Security Architecture?

A data security approach which assumes the target vulnerable at all times. Instead of stopping an attack after the fact, ASA aims to detect and prevent it much sooner. The results of implementing an ASA process include: reduced the attack surface, reduced response time, and reduced threat intensity. 

A Secure-Adaptive Architecture In A Nutshell

Most people have never heard of an adaptive security architecture, or secure-adaptive architecture as it is officially called. This type of security measure mainly applies to web services, as it allows service operators to take data protection to a whole new level. As a result, sensitive information is stored securely, without compromising convenience or accessibility.

The way it works is by adapting to the environment the server is placed in. Such a technology would analyze each incoming data packet and scan for any potential anomalies. If hundreds of thousand of user credentials are at risk, the software needs to respond to an anomalous behavior within milliseconds in order to avoid any data leakage. Furthermore, ASA works by creating boundaries in the software in order to reduce the attack surface when a threat does arise.

The minimalist approach to creating an adaptive security architecture does not require that much effort. Service providers would not need to retain sensitive personal information, including a date of birth, social security number, or banking information. These three types of data are high-value targets for criminals, as that information can fetch a pretty price when selling these details on the deep web.

Implementing the minimalist adaptive security approach means users can rest assured their sensitive information is not stolen. An additional benefit is how companies will never have to communicate directly with the user’s financial institution, which can be a hassle otherwise. Reducing identity and financial fraud is the main reason to use this concept, though.

One would start to wonder how this concept can be used to ensure the safe transfer of data over a computer network. Just because the service provider would not have to store more sensitive information does not mean it doesn’t record when a person signs up for the service in question. Adaptive security architecture uses SSL communication, client-side authentication, and AES encryption to ensure no one can snoop on this data stream as it is being transmitted.

Perhaps the most important aspect of adaptive security architecture is how it creates a different mindset. Rather than responding to an incident after it occurred, service providers can provide a continual response. Always assume something is wrong with the system and keep monitoring it at all times. This remains one of the best security measures any company can take. Continuous pervasive monitoring is of the utmost importance, especially when considering how the number of cyber attacks continues to increase every year.

Criminals and hackers continuously monitor a network for flaws and weaknesses waiting to be exploited. It only makes sense the people responsible for this network should do the same at any given time, ensuring there is no vector criminals can take advantage of. Combining this “attitude” with the concept of not storing sensitive personal information will create a much safer online environment for all parties involved.

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