Tipsy Robot bar in Las Vegas Uses Bionic Bartenders to Pour Cocktails

Las Vegas is always an exciting city. Even more exciting and novel changes are coming to Las Vegas, since the city will soon be home to a robot bar. Bionic bartenders will run the show here. In fact, it appears the joint will have a fully autonomous robot staff altogether. The world of robotics continues to evolve and permeate our daily -and nightly- lives.

Las Vegas’ Bionic Bartenders

It sounds interesting and fun to be served by a fully autonomous robot staff. Buying drinks at a bar is often a bit of a hassle, especially when the place is packed. Human staffers require breaks, lose concentration, and are expecting a nice wage every single month. Robots, on the other hand, can virtually work 24/7, serve drinks like a human, and do not require a wage. That does not mean we should abuse them completely either, as robots are not slaves by any stretch of the imagination.

Las Vegas is a place where finding a drink is as easy as spotting a neon sign. It is a place as good as any to experiment with a robot staff serving drinks. The Tipsy Robot bar, as this venue is called, will open its doors in Planet Hollywood later this month. Interacting with the robots will be quite different from how regular bar interactions work, but it is a fun sounding prospect.

Rather than going up to the bar or waiting for a waiter, customers are expected to order drinks through a proprietary smartphone application. Customers are also expected to register an account by submitting their email address, but no further personal details are required. It is also possible to use the built-in tablet at the tables to make an order.

Once the order has been submitted by the customer, the robots behind the bar will use an articulated arm to pour out drinks. Two arms are suspended from the bar and will certainly be the main attraction of the bar during its first few months of existence. With over 150 bottles to drink from and make combinations with, there are a ton of possibilities for people looking for some more exotic beverages.

Delivering the drinks is ingenious as well. This will be done through a conveyor belt system, which allows drinks to reach their destination with relative ease. Customers can then return the empty glasses, which will be rinsed and washed by another robot. The robots will also clean themselves to ensure there is no contamination whatsoever. Upholding hygiene is quite important at the Tipsy Robot bar.

Human staffers will also be on hand to pour beer, champagne, and mimosas. Drinks poured by the robots will cost you at least $14, making it a place most people will visit once and then probably never again. It also appears the robots at the bar can dance to the music playing through the speakers. It is a very interesting concept which will hopefully bring some positive attention to the robotics industry.