Tezos Team Prepares to Bring Their Technology to the Masses

It has been a while since we last heard from the Tezos ICO. After many problems plagued this particular project, it seems things may finally turn around for the company. With a new team in place and a lot of the issues having been sorted out, investors may finally get access to their tokens after all.

The Next Stage of the Tezos ICO

It has not been the best year for the Tezos project. Despite hosting a widely successful ICO – and raising $232 million in the process – the project has been plagued by problems including legal disputes, internal disagreements, and so forth. In fact, the Tezos project and its creators have faced many civil lawsuits.

Fast forward to today, and it appears most of the problems can finally be put behind us. Despite the previous shenanigans, the non-profit foundation has a brand-new team in place. While there are still a fair few issues yet to be solved, the technology is finally coming together. All of the infighting caused major delays when it came to developing the Tezos software.

In recent weeks, the technology has been getting close to entering the beta stage, to be followed by a proper release. It is unclear if this will be a beta for public testing or a private trial, but it is still a positive development overall. All of the adversity has allowed the Tezos project to mature and strengthen, which seems to indicate that all of the problems were more than worth it.

One thing to take into account is how fast this transition has occurred. In fact, it took significantly less time than people had expected, mainly because some team members finally stepped up to the plate in an effort to address most of the lingering issues. In a situation which seemed almost unsolvable, the impact of Ryan Jesperson has been a pivotal force for the future of Tezos.

Most investors are wondering if and when they will be able to access their tokens. Considering that this ICO took place quite some time ago, one would have expected the tokens to have been made accessible by now. Unfortunately, that is still not the case, and a lot of those problems have yet to be resolved. Because of all of the structural changes happening behind the scenes, the previously created T2 Foundation will no longer need to exist moving forward.

If everything goes according to plan, Tezos will launch publicly in Q3 of 2018. Whether or not that is a realistic timeline remains to be determined. It is good to see the Tezos team finally put a lot of these problems behind them once and for all, even though there is still plenty of work to be done.