Ride-sharing Companies: Lyft vs Uber vs Arcade City

Ride-sharing applications and services are becoming the norm all over the world. Despite governments opposing concepts such as Uber and Lyft in specific regions, decentralized alternatives are becoming available as well. Arcade City is an example of how decentralized impact can be beneficial to these services. Let’s take a look at how all three of these services shape up and compare to one another.

3. Lyft

The concept of Lyft is quite simple: the mobile applications allows users to find a ride in mere minutes. Everyday consumers who own a car and driver’s license can become a Lyft driver and make money in the process. Over time, the company introduced some new features, including their Scheduled Rides version. This feature allows users to schedule Lyft rides up to seven days in advance.

As one would expect from disruptive ride-sharing service providers, the Lyft service is not available on a global scale just yet. Most of the company’s focus revolves around US states, with California and Florida being their largest regions of activity for now. Additionally, the company provides all-inclusive rentals to its members. As users drive more with Lyft, the price for these rentals will go down over time. Last but not least, drivers get to keep the tips from their passengers, which is something not all companies allow.

2. Uber

The name Uber is known all over the world, even though the company has faced some stiff opposition from governments in Asia, the US, and Europe. In fact, Uber has been the target of public protests in quite a few countries, as cab drivers feel they lose money to companies such as Uber. That is not surprising, considering Uber has less strict requirements than cab companies, plus their service operates entirely differently. For instance, drivers are not allowed to take tips from passengers, as a tip is included as part of every ride’s price already.

That being said, Uber and Lyft operate in an almost similar manner. Anyone in the world with a driver’s license can become an Uber driver and make money. Rides can be booked through the mobile app, available in several dozen countries all over the world. Users can book a ride with a normal car or a more luxurious option. This latter option can be quite intriguing when going to a special event, for example. Do keep in mind Uber is suffering from several complaints regarding working conditions and drivers not earning as much as they hoped for, though.

1. Arcade City

One of the more intriguing ride-sharing platforms to launch in recent months goes by the name of Arcade City. The entire project runs on top of the Ethereum project and offers a decentralized way for drivers and passengers to connect with one another. Payments for the service are not made with a credit card either but rather used a blockchain-based payment solution. Although the project is still in beta for now, it has attracted a fair bit of attention in recent months.

Despite the promise Arcade City holds, the project has dealt with some level of controversy already. Christopher David, the founder of Arcade City, has been removed from the company after going through a fair amount of issues. Moreover, the application had payment processing issues in the beginning, resulting in the company not being able to pay vendors properly. If Arcade City can get their ducks in a row, the project may revolutionize the ride-sharing industry as a whole.

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