Josh Garza’s speech cancelled at TNABC

Josh Garza’s speech cancelled at the north american bitcoin conference

Josh Garza is the man behind the latest controversial altcoin – Paycoin. He was scheduled for a speech at the bitcoin conference in miami on Saturday @ 2PM. However, something changed his mind because it seems like that time slot is now occupied by Harry Yeh from MD Binary Financial, which is an Investment management company focused on providing superior returns for its clients and partners in the digital asset space. Take a look at this email sent my Moe Levin, the event organizer:



A further look at this hashtalk thread reveals that Garza will hold a Q&A session:

On 16 Jan 2015 13:45, “Josh Garza” wrote:
“Hey, your email created some confusion. I am still speaking, but the open hall could not accommodate the open style forum we wanted to do. And your helping us find another room.

I am not clear why you wrote I would not be speaking”

A couple weeks ago we alerted users to think twice about attending the upcoming bitcoin conference in miami. We argued that PayBase did not belong in the conference as a premier sponsor because it has completely no relation to bitcoin. It supports a competing cryptocurrency which is led by an individual with a questionable reputation. However, with the recent news that Garza’s keynote speech is cancelled you can rest assured that no potential investors are going to be subjects of Garza’s preaching.


Why couldn’t the open hall accommodate the open style forum?

It seems that for one reason or another Josh Garza does not want to do a Q&A session in the open hall where most of the bitcoin conference participants will be. Instead, he wants an isolated room which will be devoted solely for his session. That is not an unreasonable request because after all PayBase – Garza’s company, is a premier sponsor for the bitcoin conference.

One theory as to why Mr. Garza wants to hold a Q&A session in a separate room is because the people who will bother to attend the session are going to be mostly Paycoin supporters, since most of the attendees at the conference are bitcoin enthusiasts and do not have much interest in alternative cryptocurrencies. Thus, any skeptics would be frowned upon by the devoted followers. In fact, it looks like the Q&A sessions is going to proceed very similarly to the way operates. The forum is heavily moderated and any negative comments regarding Paycoin or their operations get instantly removed.

Where is paycoin at now?

A brief look at the XPY chart on bittrex shows us that Paycoin currently trades @ 0.019 BTC the equivalent of roughly $3.8



Paycoin still has a long way to go. In order to at the very least establish legitimacy it must go back to the promised $20 floor. Otherwise plenty of investors are going to be left betrayed and feel like they were scammed.

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