Expanded Blockstream Team To Focus on Bitcoin Scripting And Elements Project

The Blockstream team is hard at work to help develop the future of Bitcoin as a protocol. Now that several new members have been added to the team, the future is looking good for the Bitcoin network as a whole. Ever since the acquisition of GreenAddress, it was only a matter of time until more people were added to Blockstream.

Some New Additions To The Blockstream Team

Recruiting new developers is not an easy task, even though there is a growing interest in Bitcoin and blockchain all over the world. Blockstream has added four new members outside of their engineering team, which is a healthy number. Finance and Operations are an important branch of the Blockstream business, and three of these four new hires will fill roles there.

Kat Walsh will be filling the role of Legal Counsel, even though she has been doing so since the month of February. Eric Martindale is working on the Elements Project, and he is a former BitPay employee Both of these new Blockstream members fill critical roles for the company, as they try to keep the momentum going.

Most people know the Blockstream group for their Bitcoin development efforts, which requires multiple engineers to get the job done. This is where most of the hires have taken place in the past few month. The Lightning Network, while still months away from completion, is one of the most important features currently being developed by Blockstream.

Bitcoin offers many different solutions, and the scripting capabilities should not be underestimated. At the same time, this is one of the many areas that direly need to be improved. Russell O’Connor, a recently hired Blockstream engineer, is working on doing this exactly. Moreover, he is also one of the many people working on the Elements sidechains platform.

All of these new staffers aid Blockstream in establishing a more distributed global presence. Although that may not seem overly important to some people, a company working on a decentralized project such as Bitcoin should embrace the distributed aspect in their own workforce as well.

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