Ether Kingdoms Announce airdrop and the All New IMP token

Not literally POS. But literally mining!

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Imps or Ether Kingdoms is the first crypto-game with its own POS token. Its main distinction from the many clones of CryptoKitties is the in-game ERC20 token that can be traded on any cryptocurrency exchange. Additionally, the game lets you make money much like with any other POS coin – you can mine the IMP token in the mines. In order to get higher prizes, the player needs to participate in battles. The maximum proof of stake reward is 1% per day.

About The Game

Ether Kingdoms gameplay is very simple:

  1.      Send your imps to mine tokens in the mines.
  2.      Battle other players for tokens to improve the mining rate.

The game-field is a set of hex maps with two key game objects – the castle and mine. In Ether Kingdoms MVP the castle is just a decoration. However, in the upcoming updates it will get an important functional meaning. Mines are there for the players to mine the IMP token. Each token represents one imp – your Kingdom’s main warrior and worker.

Imps are very useful! You can send them to the mine and they’ll get you more IMP tokens. As long as your imps are hard at work, you have constant token profit.

What can be better?

In addition to mining, you can send your imps to battles against other players. Tap the Fight tab, specify the number of imps you want to send, and wait for an opponent that will step up to the challenge. In the MVP version of the game, the fight goes on without your participation. When the battle is over, the loser loses a part of their imps, while the winner accepts those imps into their ranks (with an exception of the game’s commission, which is 10% for each player). The opponents have equal – 50/50 – chances of winning. The developers also announced, that upcoming updates will give the player the possibility to control the game, which means the outcome will depend on the player’s strategy and skills.

Architecture and Technology

The token is ERC20 compliant. The game supports MetaMask wallet as the only log-in option.

The smart contract is validated on

If you look closely through the smart contract source code you may find it is used only for the deposit/withdraw of tokens from the game, not for all in-game operations. Let’s see how developers explain this approach in the White Paper:

“Ether Kingdoms is based on the blockchain technology, but not all of its operations use the smart contract. You may ask why. This is due to the fact that the current Ethereum infrastructure has a number of limitations, such as low productivity and certain costs associated with each operation. This is logical, as the main concern of blockchain is the safety of information, and not speedy transactions for free.”

Token distribution

There will be a total emission of 13 million IMP tokens. Of those, 2 million are used to finance the project development, 1.3 million are used for airdrops and bounty, and 9.7 million are available for mining.

According to the project team calculations, if players mine IMP actively, all 13 million tokens will be in circulation by September of 2019. By this time, the developers are planning to release a mechanism to burn the tokens to minimize the supply and raise the token price.


Oh, Ether kingdom also forgot to mention that there is no ICO for IMP token.

Grab your 110 tokens by completing two simple steps:

  1. Join the IMP token Telegram chat:
  2. Participate in your first in-game fight:

After the user has completed these steps you will receive 100+ IMP to put them in a mine and enjoy the annual rate of 91,25%!

Want more?

The IMP token can already be traded on ForkDelta –!/trade/0x48ff53777f747cfb694101222a944de070c15d36-ETH

As project team announced in the roadmap, they are planning to hit some bigger exchanges this summer.