Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation Launches Blockchain Council

The Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation, has announced the launch of the Global Blockchain Council. The new organization is tasked with exploring how blockchains tech can modernize various sectors of Dubai’s economic and financial systems.

The museum, which was established in 2015 by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Prime Minister of United Arab Emirates (UAE), promotes innovation and acts as an education center showcasing the latest developments in science and technology.

According to the official press release, the formation of the Global Blockchain Council fits in perfectly with the stated purpose of the museum:

“The establishment of the Global Blockchain Council comes in line with the efforts of Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation to promote innovation and use the next generation of technologies to enhance UAE’s position as a leading centre for innovation and knowledge economy.”

The council currently consists of 32 companies, some of which are very big players in the blockchain space; Digital currency exchange Kraken; Smart contract platform and digital currency Ethereum; Dubai-based cryptocurrency exchange BitOasis.

Saif Al Aleeli, CEO of the Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation, remarked that the Blockchain Council has big plans in store for raising awareness about the digital currencies within Dubai, “The Global Blockchain Council will launch different initiatives under its umbrella to highlight and promote Blockchain and digital currencies, and explore its advantages and disadvantages. It will also draw a roadmap for best uses of this emerging technology.” said Aleeli.

Some of the initiatives will include “workshops, awareness sessions, hackathons”, which will provide an environment where potential investors can meet with budding blockchain entrepreneurs and innovators.


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