CEO of Australia Post Believes in the Power of the Blockchain

In a presentation at The Australian Financial Review Business Summit in Melbourne, CEO of the Australian Post Ahmed Fahour, commented on the important role of blockchain technology in other industries besides banking and finance, “A lot of people are thinking about blockchain from a financial services point of view but the reality is it has much wider applications.” said Fahour.

The government-owned Australia Post handles a large swath of identity documents, and Fahour sees blockchains as the appropriate instrument to help manage the digital identities of Australian citizens.

Fahour says:

“We do most of the physical IDs, so it’s logical that a trusted organisation like Australia Post be able to not only handle the physical ID but digital ID.”

The Australian Post has been very proactive in keeping up with technological innovation. In October of 2015, the Financial Review ran a story on the Australian Post’s experimental parcel drone delivery program. Ahmed Fahour has even mentioned installing 3D printers at various post office locations across the country.

Identity theft and passport forgeries have become major issues in the past several years and Fahour believes that blockchains can help make a dent in this seemingly-insurmountable problem:

“The future is going to be a digital identity, so that when you say who you are, I can tell who you are,”


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