Blockchain Based Virtual Reality Startup ImmVRse Sponsors Biggest Blockchain Investor In Europe’s Largest Tech Festival

The Blockchain sector is getting bigger everyday. This summer, in June, The London Tech Festival will be host to a large presence of blockchain based businesses and startups in Europe’s largest conference related to technology.

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Last year, the London Tech Festival was attended by 13,000 visitors, with 300 exhibitor stalls in 300 events. This year, the collection of experts and visitors sharing knowledge on different cutting edge technologies such as virtual reality, robotics, artificial intelligence, drones and others will be more than 55,000 from nearly 90 countries.

Virtual Reality Developer: ImmVrse

A blockchain startup that is bringing virtual reality into the decentralization tech world, ImmVrse, has partnered up with Blockchain360 to sponsor Tech-XLR8, the most anticipated event in the London Tech Festival.

The sponsorship just goes to show how serious blockchain technology is being taken by the movers and shakers of technology. The CEO of ImmVrse, Farabi Shayor, has described this sponsorship as “exciting” and that virtual reality, along with blockchain will be “recognised as crucial consumer technology in a few years’ time.”

ImmVrse plans to be the market leader in decentralized virtual reality and becoming a part of Tech-XLR8 is a move that sets the team alongside the most biggest audience of technology craved people. Another edge ImmVrse will have, by being a promoter of the event, is to showcase their technology and inform people of the potential of this largely unexplored area.

ImmVrse intends to show people that virtual reality is more than just games and entertainment. The startup hopes to create thousands of jobs by allowing developers to make contents for the platform for a range of applications, such as schooling aids to training of medical staff through virtual programs of surgeries and more.

People behind the Project: ImmVrse Team

ImmVrse is not your average band of people that are jumping the Blockchain bandwagon. The London based startup’s team consists of a variety of experts who are already well known in their fields:

  • Farabi Shayor, CEO. A decade long experience in blockchain and cryptocurrency field, Shayor has analyzed their finances, developed brand identities and marketable products. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in finance and a Master’s in marketing
  • Limon Rahman, COO. 15 years of financial controlling and management has made Limon a power to reckon with. A high flier, he has experiences in handling budgets exceeding $300 million.
  • Peter Gostincar, CTO. Experienced developer and large scale software project manager, Gostincar has worked with some of the biggest software houses in the EU
  • Mark Higgins, Chief Information Officer. Two decades in IT, Mr. Higgins has worked in IT project management, and disruptive technologies

Blockchain360, The Blockchain Promoter

Blockchain360 is an organization that has its heart set on the blockchain technology. The company is in investment firm that plans to accelerate the development and adoption of the technology by investing capital and expertise in decentralized organizations. Unlike other generic investment firms who largely scrutinize their ROIs on cryptocurrencies, Blockchain360 invests on any early stage opportunity of any kind in the blockchain field, be it cryptocurrency, smart contracts, data management or security.

With partnering up with ImmVrse, the firm boosts the virtual reality developers by providing not only funds, but talent and technology through other blockchain investments. Let’s see where it takes them!

Visit ImmVrse for information on their VR program: