Beware of EvoCrypto as it is Likely a Ponzi Scheme

In the cryptocurrency industry, finding legitimate investment opportunities can be extremely challenging. EvoCrypto is one of those platforms best left ignored.

Everyone in the crypto industry wants to make some money.

EvoCrypto Seems to be Another Ponzi Scheme

The less effort such a project requires, the better.

In the real world, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Any platform promising very high returns is best left avoided.

EvoCrypto falls into this particular category.

With guaranteed returns of up to 30% percent, it is evident that this is a pyramid scheme.

Bringing in new victims – or investors, if one prefers – yields 10% in bonus commission.

So far, it appears that this website hasn’t successfully scammed anyone yet.

One can only hope that situation remains unchanged, as unlikely as that may be.

Since there is no real business plan or way to generate profit, earnings are paid out from new deposits.

That is how all pyramid schemes work, and will continue to operate.

It is not the first company attempting such an elaborate scheme either.

EvoCrypto joins a very long list of Ponzi Schemes and HYIPs which eventually disappear with people’s money.

How long this platform will be around for, is up for debate.

Sites like these tend to disappear in the blink of an eye.