There does not seem to be a day that goes by without some deep web news these days. Another user of illegal marketplaces was arrested after having a parcel intercepted by law enforcement. The marijuana buyer ordered weed from the market with the intention of reselling drugs. Once law enforcement officials caught wind of this deal, they obtained a warrant to raid his home.
Another Deep Web User Bust
Some people may argue that ordering drugs online for recreational use should not be frowned upon. This story, however, saw one UK citizen order half a kilo of weed on the deep web with the intent of reselling it. The package was shipped from Belgium, by the look of things, and was intercepted by the UK Border Force.
When law enforcement officials raided the home of Mark Dornan, they confiscated several items. A shoebox filled with digital scales, over 500 GBP in cash, and a notebook with undecipherable notes. It is possible this journal contains information on purchases and sales made by Dornan to date.
Moreover, the police also found a phone containing a message about a pending drug deal. According to Deep Dot Web, the message stated how Dornan would supply someone with a half-ounce of weed for 125 GBP. If this is true, it clearly shows Dornan was looking to resell his acquired goods from the deep web.
Dornan’s Lawyer Frazer McCready stated:
“My client was having financial difficulties and was clearly beyond his means. Unfortunately rather than go to some sort of debt counseling, as he is now doing, he foolishly decided to embark on this exercise with regard to his debts by involving himself in the supply of cannabis. Clearly that type of drug was going to be intercepted, and it was. There were consequences immediately.”
These events took place in April of 2016 but were only brought to light recently. Albeit Dornan had no prior criminal record, he was sentenced to six months in prison. Considering the clear intent to resell drugs after buying it through the deep web, it seems he got off lightly.
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