5G Must Become the New Standard for Connected Cars and Smart Cities

Things will only get more interesting when major technological breakthroughs come together. Cars have become a lot smarter in recent years, with quite a few of them being able to access the Internet through a mobile data connection. It is now only a matter of time until 5G connectivity will make its way into most modern cars.

Connected Cars and 5G Internet Opens New Opportunities

It is evident there is a growing demand for mobile connectivity within the car. Not just from the passengers, mind you, but companies are looking for ways to physically equip cars with 5G connectivity. This will allow these vehicles to receive and broadcast information during the era of smart cities. There are quite a few reasons as to why this is such a major breakthrough.

First of all, the faster cell service will never hurt anyone. In fact, it is something most car drivers would gladly sign up for right now if they could. Cellular-V2X, a technology acting as a communications system for connected cars to share data, will benefit greatly from 5G. To be more precise, this system shares data with other cars as well as its surrounding infrastructure. With cities becoming smarter over time, this exchange of information can become a valuable tool.

Once 5G connectivity becomes the norm -which may still take a few years – this information can be sent more quickly. To be more specific, it is possible to send and receive messages 10 times every second. In the long run, this will result in better advance warnings when it comes to preventing car accidents or other on-road mishaps. Data needs to be analyzed quickly, and faster mobile data connectivity will play a big role in making this happen.

Moreover, the information can be uploaded to the cloud and shared with other connected cars on the 5G spectrum. Giving all drivers on the road more information at an early stage can only be seen as a positive development in the long run. This can only become a reality thanks to initiatives such as the 5G Automotive Association, though.

It is worth mentioning this Association has quite a few prominent car manufacturers among its members. Bosch, Continental, Audi, and Ford are just a few names. Moreover, they also have close ties to US cellular industry giants such as Verizon. Creating standards that can be used by the entire connected car industry will be of the utmost importance for the foreseeable future.

It is interesting to note how the deployment of 5G will be beneficial to both regular and autonomous vehicles alike. Information can be broadcasted to all vehicles who have internal sensors to receive and process this feed of data at all times. It will be interesting to see what this technology means for the car industry as a whole moving forward.

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