Liquid Magma Has Its Role To Play In The Search For Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is in great demand all over the world right now. However, the majority of renewable energy sources have yet to be discovered. In fact, it appears that there are quite a few different sources we had no clue about yet. Some of these concepts raise a lot of concern, as hardly anyone would consider underground liquid magma as a safe source of energy.

Liquid Magma Is An Energy Source, But Can We Harness It?

Companies and governments all over the world are looking into new renewable energy sources for the future. It has to be said that traditional sources are slowly running out. Oil reserves, coal, and other sources of energy we use today are both creating a toxic environment and depleting the planet we love so much.

Thankfully, brilliant minds are looking for solutions to address all of these problems. Wind energy has become quite popular in recent years, with major wind farms being erected in various spots around the world. Solar energy is another strong contender, as there is an abundance of sun rays shining onto the world around the clock. Why not harness that power in a time of need?

Speaking of wind energy, the trees we walk under every day may provide us with a new form of energy as well. Trees sway in high winds, an effect everyone has observed at some point in their lives. It is, in fact, possible to convert the vibrations of a swaying tree into renewable energy, or to be more precise, researchers published a whitepaper explaining this possibility.

But perhaps the most disturbing renewable energy research relates to the usage of underground liquid magma. This is the stuff produced by volcanoes, which runs just below the earth’s crust.  It is quite a volatile substance, which is capable of producing significant amounts of energy, but is it even feasible to harness this power?

The optimistic answer to that question is affirmative, although it will not be easy to achieve by any means. In fact, a project is underway in Iceland to harness underground liquid magma and turn it into energy ready for human consumption. This is quite a bold project, considering that liquid magma easily reaches 900 degrees Celsius or more.

Some people may see similarities between geothermal energy and liquid magma. They would be correct in that assumption, although the latter option can, theoretically, produce ten times more energy. That does not make it sound any less dangerous, but it is well worth keeping an eye on the Iceland Deep Drilling Project in the coming months.

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