In this day and age of hacking and computer threats, consumers and enterprises need to take the necessary precautions. Unfortunately, that is far from the case, as we are far too lackluster with our computers and other devices, security as it is. With the following easy tips, we can avoid most disasters, although common sense will always prevail over technological solutions.
This particular tip is especially true for Windows users, although it is a good practice regardless of which OS and device one is using. Having the latest security updates and various other patches installed on a computer or mobile is of the utmost importance. Security researchers work tirelessly on fixing vulnerabilities and addressing security loopholes.
Although Windows has the habit of updating at the most inconvenient times, it is something we will have to stick with for now. Users can also manually check for updates, but they often tend to forget to do so. Stick with the automated version, or schedule updates at least once a week to remain up-to-date at all times.
Never be mistaken in thinking that a virus or other type of malware will not affect your machine. It is exactly this type of lackluster attitude that allows criminals to infect thousands of devices without much effort, even in 2016. It is particularly vital to install anti-malware tools, given the recent increase in malware infections across all types of devices.
On the antivirus front, there are plenty of options to choose from. Some tools are better than others, and choices should be made by the end user themselves. Do not skimp on paying a little extra for a product you like, though. Protecting a computer or other Internet-connected device should be a top priority right now.
Perhaps the most common advice one can give right now is to not open links or email attachments from unknown sources. These are two primary methods of infecting devices with all kinds of malicious software. Mainly Office files, PDFs, and links to sites claiming to contain funny or shocking articles, should be avoided at all costs.
It should not have be said, but for some reason, consumers tend to forget to use their common sense most of the time. Anything that looks suspicious or illegitimate should be ignored. It is that simple! This may sound boring on paper, but it will save people a lot of headaches and concerns if they stick to their usual habits.
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