It is crucial for altcoin and blockchain projects to deliver on initial promises. OmiseGO appears to be on the right track, following is first mainnet transaction.
It appears as if OmiseGO has been around for several years now.
A big Step Forward for OmiseGO
That in itself is interesting considering its own native blockchain hadn’t been tested until this week.
It is certainly true that a lot of work has taken place behind the scenes of this project.
Combined with some unexpected delays, it is only normal that everything was pushed back significantly.
The OmiseGO developers have now finished all of the major audits of their project.
Some of the infrastructure’s code has also been removed, primarily because it serves no purpose as of yet.
What is of great interest is how the first mainnet transaction has been completed successfully.
OmiseGO will maintain a proof-of-work root chain, which needs to be put through its proper paces.
This Friday, the first mainnet transaction was completed successfully.
It encompasses a deposit, transaction, and start exit.
All of the actual contracts associated with the project are still under audit, for the time being.
It is a positive development for an altcoin many people have high expectations of.
However, there is still plenty of work on the horizon for the developers.