Robot Livestreams From The Bottom of the Sea For Eight Days Straight

There are many reasons why camera-equipped robots make sense. The Global Explorer, for example, is quite a crafty robot that hovers at the bottom of the sea. Anyone in the world can tune into the robot’s livestream to observe oceanic life at all times. As odd as it may sound, it is projects like these that will make robotics become more mainstream in the future.

Global Explorer Offers An Interesting Livestream

For most oceanic life, the Global Explorer ROV does not look out of the ordinary. It is quite interesting to think of it in detail, considering we are talking about a robot equipped with cameras. However, the device has been sent out on a mission off the coast of Chesapeake Bay to observe ocean life. The robot has made this location its permanent residence for the past eight days now.

While one could argue this mission is designed to just observe oceanic life and allow scientists to study the data, there is more to the Global Explorer ROV than meets the eye. The robot is broadcasting a 24/7 livestream of its surroundings. Over the course of the past eight days, viewers have seen giant whale skeletons, crabs, dozens of different fish species, and beautiful corals. It is becoming quite the educational tool, in a weird way.

This mission is led by the US Geological Survey, as they aim to explore methane seeps located in this area. Exploring these methane seeps is quite important, considering they are the home of many unique oceanic life forms one would not find anywhere else in the water. A methane seep is often referred to as a cold seep, even though the water in that spot is not colder by any means.

Among the rather unique life forms, one could encounter – other than giant whale carcasses – are different types of mussels and other organism relying on hydrocarbons. That is quite a unique fact about these methane seeps, as creatures relying on sunlight to survive would not necessarily do well in these spots. Then again, our planet is home to many unique species we have yet to discover, and observing locations like these will give us an idea of what else is in the water.

For science geeks, this livestream is well worth checking out. Although it is not necessarily action-packed most of the time, it serves as a direct view of the strip of ocean separating the coast of Chesapeake Bay and the deep ocean. Physically observing such a location is well out of reach for the average human, yet thanks to this robot, everyone can enjoy the underwater wonders our planet has to offer.

Unfortunately, it appears the Global Explorer’s mission will be coming to an end soon. The livestream will be cut off accordingly as well. It does not appear there will be an on-demand version of the footage, although the researchers may turn it into a documentary at some point. This is a great example of why robots are so valuable to our society, even though some other machine may end up taking our jobs.

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