Qurrex is Leveling the Playing Field with Exchanges

The world’s first hybrid digital asset exchange, Qurrex, is developing an innovative cryptocurrency exchange with high-level security and high performance. By integrating a centralized industry platform with a decentralized blockchain protocol, this hybrid could solve the problems that current solutions do not. The current exchange ecosystem is leaving market participants vulnerable, and they could experience bottlenecks with trading activity.

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The rise in the value of digital assets has attracted many market participants, as well as thieves looking for ways to steal cryptocurrencies from exchanges and users. Now, Qurrex is well on its way to protecting its users from potential theft by storing assets in cold storage wallets. When exchanges increase security they can face performance bottlenecks. However, Qurrex’s innovative hybrid cryptocurrency exchange ecosystem does not sacrifice performance for high-level security.

Qurrex is Leveling the Playing Field with Exchanges

One of the main problems with cryptocurrency exchanges is the fact they may not offer high-speed data connectivity like traditional exchanges, such as Nasdaq. However, Qurrex’s next-generation platform will offer market participants with features they are accustomed to, such as high-speed data connectivity, a professional user interface, direct market access and technical analysis tools.

Unlike many cryptocurrency exchanges, Qurrex’s platform is designed for high-frequency trading and a high-degree of trading activity. This is ideal for a plethora of industry professionals, as well as casual investors and day traders.

There are a number of issues with existing exchanges;

  • The speed of executing operations in multiple projects depends on the speed of the blockchain network, as well as the speed of matching incoming order confirmations of the second party’s deal
  • Low liquidity
  • The matching algorithm problem: If a direct transaction is conducted through messaging, there is increased latency in order to conclude the deal. Even with automated systems, there’s a delay in the process of achieving the market’s choice of price
  • Lack of APIs or protocols to connect systems

Qurrex is addressing these problems.

Source: Qurrex

Qurrex’s Performance To Match Nasdaq

The efficiency of cryptocurrency exchanges, and traditional stock and options exchanges, hinges on the available services the exchange offers and performance.

Source: Qurrex

Planning to use performance tools that are implemented on traditional stock exchanges, such as NYSE and Nasdaq, Qurrex’s platform could perform similarly well. This implementation would allow the company to reach performance of approximately 70,000 operations per second. The exchange’s performance would be comparable to traditional exchanges supporting high-performance, which is typically anywhere between 40,000 and 100,000 transactions per second.

Currently, Nasdaq, LSE and CME could operate at 100,000 transactions per second with low latency. Qurrex is not too far behind that. If the company conducts a successful coin offering, it should be able to increase its scalable transactions capacity per second, as well as reduce its latency.

In addition to Qurrex offering high-performance trading, it should start to see continuous liquidity with the integration of the Bancor protocol. This integration would allow market participants to gain access to continuous liquidity. In turn, they would be able to automatically and directly convert one digital asset to another.

Qurrex will offer:

  • Algorithmic trading
  • Professional order types, such as GTC, IOC, GTD, FOK
  • Social tools including messenger, database, trading portal and forum, as well as social tools
  • Multi-functional graphics and visualization tools;
  • Technical analysis indicators
  • Modularity . Users and developers could create their own functions
  • News streams. This offering allows traders to stay on top of ongoing events potentially affecting the cryptocurrency market.
  • High-performance and highly secure hybrid architecture supported by an independent technical audit.

The company is solving the problems and offering benefits for a multitude of major players in the financial and cryptocurrency industry. Consequently, this could further drive the growth of an already booming cryptocurrency market.

Qurrex is conducting its public pre-sale until March 27, with a secondary sale happening in April, if required.