NASA Unveils Five-stage Plan to put Humans on Mars by 2033

NASA has come up with a bold and radical plan to transport humans to Mars by the year 2033. A total of five phases make up this wild plan, yet it does not seem to be all that impossible. This news comes on the heels of President Trump issuing a mandate for the NASA to get people to Mars moving forward. It is an interesting take on things, yet one that may finally turn our species into galactic explorers and colonists.

Humans Will Go To Mars By 2033

Although this concept sounds ludicrous at first, NASA is very serious about this venture. In fact, the team unveiled a detailed five-phase plan that will ensure our species will get to the Red Planet by the year 2033. Rest assured there will be some setbacks and issues along the way, but it certainly gives people something to dream about over the coming years.

This plan was set into motion by none other than President Trump himself. About two weeks ago, he issued a mandate for the NASA to get people to Mars by the year 2033. It was then up to the team to come up with a viable plan to do so. Interestingly enough, it took them all about a week to draft a semi-feasible plan that hinges on completing five different stages along the way. Some conspiracy theorists may claim the NASA had such a plan all along, although that is nothing but speculation at this time.

As one would expect, our society is currently in “phase 0” of the NASA plan. We Scientists at the ISS are conducting a lot of tests regarding space travel and the Red Planet. Moreover, now is the time to forge partnerships with private space companies to ensure the 16-year plan can come together in the end. This means NASA will have to work together with the likes of Virgin Galactic and SpaceX moving forward.

Starting next year, our society will embark on the first official phase of the “Red Planet” plan. Over the course of seven years, NASA plans to launch and test six different SLS rockets. Every one of these rockets will – hopefully – deliver components of a new space station to its intended location. Deep Space Gateway, as this new station is called, will be built in close proximity to the moon, yet not on the planet’s surface.

Future phases revolve around the launch of the Deep Space Transport tube to this lunar station before it can be inhabited by astronauts. The actual trip to Mars will then go ahead at some point in 2033, although no specific time has been announced as of yet. Do keep in mind the success of this mission hinges on staying within the budget, ensuring astronauts and engineers remain healthy – both physically and mentally-  and not suffering from major mechanical setbacks. it is a very bold and brave plan, to say the least, and we can only hope it will succeed in the allotted time frame.

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