Gamesplanet Accepts Bitcoin Payments for Video Game CD Keys

Over the past few months, we have seen multiple video game retailers starting to accept Bitcoin payments. CJS CD Keys was the very first cd key retailer to do so, and by the end of 2014, Green Man Gaming had joined the fray as well. Earlier today, I found out that Gamesplanet is accepting Bitcoin payments through BitPay.

Video Games & Bitcoin –  A Good Mix

Bitcoin remains a very “niche” market for the time being until we can find a way to educate properly on the technology behind this digital currency. While there is a lot of focus on the monetary aspect of Bitcoin – which is both good and bad – there is much more to it than just the value in USD, EUR, GBP or CNY.

But In order to gain mainstream adoption, we also need to be able to present a lot of use cases for Bitcoin. Not necessarily to replace the current financial structure right now, but at least to show that Bitcoin is a viable alternative payment method for both consumers and retailers, and it is something both parties can benefit from.

So I headed over to the Gamesplanet website earlier today,, to check out what kind of video games they had on sale for the time being. To my surprise, I saw a small banner on the right hand side saying the website now accepts Bitcoin payments. Needless to say, it was the best news I had heard all day.

Even though I am not exactly a “hardcore gamer”, I do enjoy dabbling around with video games on my PC once in a while. And now that we have more cd key retailers accepting Bitcoin, we could have a nice price war on our hands in the near future. More games for lower prices make me quite the happy bunny.

Gamesplanet accepts bitcoin payment through its payment processor BitPay. As is usually the case with BitPay payments, they are confirmed instantly
– I love zero-confirmation transactions – and my cd key was available in my account immediately. All I had to do was confirm my email address, as you will need to sign up for a Gamesplanet account before making a purchase.

It is also great to see that Gamesplanet links to the official Bitcoin website, in order to inform their customers about this digital currency. It may not have a major impact right away, but given some time, these backlinks could prove to be invaluable in gaining mainstream adoption.

When you think about it, you start to wonder whether we will see more cd key retailers accepting Bitcoin payments now that Changetip has integrated with It looks like the video game avenue is worth exploring by Bitcoin fanatics, as we could gain a strong foothold in that “niche” area over the next few months.

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