Dogecoin Price Moves Closer to $0.03 Amid Bullish Surge

In the cryptocurrency world, there is always plenty of momentum and excitement to take into account. While most of the markets note small to medium gains right now, it would appear others are struggling a bit. The Dogecoin price is an interesting exception, as it is going quite strong. It would even appear a push to reclaim $0.003 will materialize fairly soon.

Dogecoin Price Moves up Again

A lot of cryptocurrency enthusiasts are pretty interested in the way individual markets are evolving in quick succession. Especially ahead of the weekend, one has to keep in mind there may be some very interesting price changes which might not make too much sense at this time. Dogecoin watchers will not complain about the way things are going, as a somewhat surprising uptrend has materialized in the past few hours.

Dogecoin (DOGE)
0.168230 USD (0.21%)
0.00000202 BTC


$24.98 B USD

$806.05 M USD

To put this in perspective, there is a 2.87% Dogecoin price increase which brings the value back to $0.002903. What is even more impressive is how there is also a 2.6% increase in DOGE/BTC, as the ratio has shifted back to 55 Satoshi and may try to break through to 56 Satoshi in the coming days. While the overall trading volume is not necessarily too impressive right now, there is nothing to be overly concerned about as of right now.

While there isn’t always noteworthy Dogecoin momentum or developments to speak of, this week has proven to be slightly different in this regard. The new Dogecoin Core 1.14 RC1 client is now publicly available which further confirms active development of the ecosystem is still going on. While no major changes are expected to occur, it should put all of the concerns regarding Dogecoin not having active developers to bed, for the time being.

Elon Musk is active on Twitter, yet it is evident a lot of people are keeping a close eye on everything he tells these days. While Musk claims his Twitter is “complete nonsense’ right now,  there are still people who take offense to him “quitting” Dogecoin. Some people seemingly can’t grasp how Musk was never involved with Dogecoin in an official capacity. That April Fool’s Joke has gotten out of hand, to say the very least.

No day goes by without some sort of Dogecoin-related meme making the rounds on social media. The one shared by Yurdaer Hiram is pretty interesting, a sit seems to depict a Doge wielding a glow stick to fight off incoming cryptocurrencies. It is also synonymous with the way Binance refuses to list Dogecoin, for some reason. Even so, the meme itself is pretty interesting regardless, as the Force is strong with this one.

When looking at the bigger picture, it would appear Dogecoin is following most of the other top cryptocurrency markets in terms of overall market momentum. These gains are, for all intents and purposes, sustainable without too many problems. However, as the weekend is just around the corner, there is always a chance things will turn around in quick succession. Plenty of excitement lies ahead, as there will be money to be made regardless of how the momentum shifts.

Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency.