Bitcoin Meetup Group Rebrands To Blockchain Meetup Berlin

Not too many people are keen on the word bitcoin, even though that is the name of the most popular digital currency in the world today. Blockchain seems to be the new buzzword,  and many rebrandings are taking place to accommodate for this shift in perspective. Even the Bitcoin Startups Berlin Meetup group decided to rebrand to Blockchain Meetup Berlin.

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Meet The Blockchain Meetup Berlin Group

TheMerkle_Bitcoin Meetup Blockchain

Even though there was nothing with the Bitcoin Startups Berlin name, the Meetup Group “owners” decided to rebrand to a universal approach. By focusing the center of attention of this Meetup group to Blockchain, the goal is to attract a larger crowd and hopefully get more speakers for their upcoming events.

It is important to note this decision was not made overnight, as the rebranding has been planned from the fall of 2013. While it seemed a good idea to include the term “startups” to the Meetup group name, things turned out quite differently. Keeping in mind how Meetup events revolve around discussions and presentations, there were very few talks regarding startups in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Blockchain and digital currency attract all kinds of different people, and topics discussed ranged from technical proposals to politicking in the Bitcoin world. It only seems to make sense to focus more on the concept of blockchain altogether, as it is an integral part of Bitcoin, but will also affect other industries and technologies in the future.

Throughout the years, the world of digital currency has evolved from a simple focus on Bitcoin to encompassing something much bigger than that. Projects such as Ethereum have shown how blockchain technology can be used outside of the financial world, and companies like Factom are putting this to the test in real-life situations.

Keeping Bitcoin in the Meetup group name is not attracting users who are focusing on decentralization and smart contracts, for example. However, coining the blockchain term might change that in the future. Furthermore, several of the Bitcoin Startups Berlin members had been asking about a potential name change as well.

Source: Newsletter Via Email

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