One of Asia’s Top 50 Restaurants Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments

It is always good to see more brick-and-mortar locations accept bitcoin payments. While not all of these businesses do a  great job at advertising support for this alternative payments, it’s not overly difficult o find out details either. Eat Me, a famous restaurant in Bangkok, is not accepted Bitcoin payments.

Famous Asian Restaurant Accepts Bitcoin

One thing most places accepting Bitcoin payments have in common is how they are not overly keen on advertising it. Eat Me, one of the top 50 restaurants in all of Asia, recently started accepting cryptocurrency as a payment method. However, there is no mention on their website of them doing so, which is a bit disappointing.

A Reddit user gave the restaurant a phone call to confirm the acceptance of Bitcoin, which came back affirmative. From what we can gather, Bitcoin payments are accepted for table reservations as well as the regular meal payment on the premises itself. That is rather good news for Bitcoin, which seems to be gaining traction in Asia as of late.

The addition of such a prominent restaurant to the Bitcoin ecosystem is invaluable. While it is unclear as to why they started accepting cryptocurrency, customer demand may have been a driving factor. Bitcoin is doing quite well in Thailand so far, and the ecosystem continues to grow every month.

It is not the first restaurants in Bangkok decide to accept Bitcoin payments, albeit this venture has not been overly successful for everyone. One restaurant, called Smokin’ Pug, recently stopped accepted cryptocurrency payments for an unknown reason. Without sufficient demand, there is no reason to keep accepting alternative payments; that much is certain.

For now, it remains to be seen how well Eat Me will do when it comes to Bitcoin payments. We can only hope plenty of people will use cryptocurrency to pay for meals and reservations. If the turnover is not sufficient, the owners may stop accepting Bitcoin payments in the future, which needs to be avoided at all times.

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